
Molly'sGameisa2017AmericanbiographicalfilmwrittenanddirectedbyAaronSorkin(inhisdirectorialdebut),basedonthe2014memoirbyMollyBloom.,長話短說,主人翁MollyBloom在滑雪生涯結束之後,意外地成為高級賭場的籌劃人,開始不斷地穿梭在政商及明星之間,美貌加上聰明的她,自然贏得很多人的信任, ...,茉莉牌局豆瓣评分:7.2简介:著名编剧艾伦·索金(AaronSorkin)即将转行做导演,而他导演的第一部电影是《茉莉的牌局》(M...

Molly's Game

Molly's Game is a 2017 American biographical film written and directed by Aaron Sorkin (in his directorial debut), based on the 2014 memoir by Molly Bloom.

【決勝女王】Molly's Game 牌桌上的真實醜陋人生與Piaget Traditional

長話短說,主人翁 Molly Bloom 在滑雪生涯結束之後,意外地成為高級賭場的籌劃人,開始不斷地穿梭在政商及明星之間,美貌加上聰明的她,自然贏得很多人的信任, ...

茉莉牌局- 电影

茉莉牌局豆瓣评分:7.2 简介:著名编剧艾伦·索金(Aaron Sorkin)即将转行做导演,而他导演的第一部电影是《茉莉的牌局》(Molly's Game),该片根据真人真事创作,讲述了“扑克 ...

《Molly's Game決勝女王》自傳讀後感想和電影觀後心得(上)

自傳裡讓我很感動的一段就是Reardon 要Molly 走人,包括辦公室和賭場的助理職務,結果Molly 用自己的高規格標準私下辦了一場賭局,贏得賭客的認同,本來以為 ...

[專題] 電影真相調查局:《決勝女王》背後的真實事件

... Molly's Game),找來潔西卡雀絲坦(Jessica Chastain)主演,講述前滑雪選手茉莉布魯(Molly Bloom)的真實故事。茉莉放棄運動夢想後到了加州工作 ...

Molly's Game (2017)

評分 7.4/10 (195,993) The true story of Molly Bloom, an Olympic-class skier who ran the world's most exclusive high-stakes poker game and became an FBI target.The true story of Molly ...

Watch Molly's Game

A former Olympic skier begins running a high-stakes, ultra-exclusive underground poker game that catches the attention of the FBI. Based on a true story.

Molly's Game

評分 82% (304) The true story of Molly Bloom, a beautiful, young, Olympic-class skier who ran the world's most exclusive high-stakes poker game for a decade before being ... View All Molly's Game photos · 304 Reviews · View All


《決勝女王》(英語:Molly's Game,中國大陸譯《茉莉牌局》,香港譯《莫莉遊戲》)是一部2017年上映的美國賭博犯罪勵志傳紀劇情片,由艾倫·索金執導和編劇,此亦是其執導首作 ...